Q) Could Sony C-800G microphone fit in VOMO?

The C800G mic can definitely fit in the VOMO.

Unlike Isovox VOMO has plenty of space to position the mic the way to works its best.
Included accessory – Miniboom- makes position adjustments even more versatile. We made a thorough comparison between the Isovox and the VOMO, in our video series on YouTube.

In terms of sensitivity, there are many advantages of VOMO compare to the Isovox:

  1. In Isovox you are forced to place the mic close to the back wall, which is not good. In VOMO you can position mic away from the walls, which helps to record more naturally sounding audio.
  2. In Isovox interior space is very limited, which creates several issues acoustically (close proximity of the walls) and also in terms of convenience. VOMO is much more spacious.
  3. Isovox uses rigid walls in their construction THIS , together with the close proximity of the walls to the mic, creates that boomy and boxy sound, that you are concerned about. VOMO has more interior space, allows you to position the mic as it sounds best and DOES NOT have rigid walls, that means there are no internal reflections, hence there are no boominess, boxiness.
  4. In terms of Noise reduction: there are limitation to this for any portable vocal booth, since part of the booth remains open, so outside noise will inevitably get in. yet in our testing VOMO performed equally or even slightly better, than Isovox.

You should watch the whole series of Portable Vocal booths Comparison videos you will see that VOMO is the most practical and acoustically sound portable vocal booth solution.

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