VocalBoothToGo Heading to VOICE2014

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For the second time, VocalBoothToGo.com will be heading to Anaheim CA at the end of August to share its innovative products for the voice acting and professional audio recording industry, such as the Carry-on Vocal Booth Pro, with attendees and guests of VOICE 2014.

hex logo - voice convention-231x219This international voice over convention will bring together coaches, voice actors, and entrepreneurs from all over the world including the U.S., Canada, Germany, Argentina, and more. Held from August 27-30, 2014, at the Anaheim Hilton, Anaheim, CA, this voice over event promotes education, technology and community for voice talent at all levels of experience.

If you plan on attending the event, stop by and say hello to us at the VocalBoothToGo exhibitor booth. It’s a good time to check out our products before ordering. If you would like to learn more about this voice over event, please go to the website http://voiceconvention.com/.

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